We all love to walk into a room and be welcomed by a pleasing scent. As an allergy sufferer with mild asthma, there's a line between what smells great and what causes me issues. So the desire came to create a line of scented products that had a wonderful scent while also being as healthy as possible.
Historically Candles are the O.G. of the scented products world. Many of us grew up with at least one family member who loved and often used candles in their home. The whisps of smoke rising above the flickering flame. The reflection of light off the wax pool atop the candle. And the delightful aroma filling the air............
Now the downside to that. Many think the candle flame is bringing you that lovely scent. Not so much. The reality is the scent is coming off the wax pool created by the burning wick. The flame itself is primarily just providing the heat source to create the pool. While also throwing soot into the air. By using a wax melt warmer and melts you create the same wax pool, while eliminating the soot being created. There are many additional reasons why melts have a leg up on candles. Space saving, you can keep a large selection of various scented containers in much less space than the equivalent amount of candles require. Safer to use in a variety of rooms at any given time. You may like a small plug in warmer in your bathroom. While having an open flame, burning candle in an empty room is never a good idea. Lets dive further into what separates our product from many others.
A term used to describe how well a fragrance carries or "travels" through the air. In melts & candles, fragrance throw is broken down into two categories, Cold Throw, and Hot Throw. As you'd expect Cold throw is how a candle/melt smells when you pick it up and smell it off the shelf. Where Hot Throw is when the candle is burning, or melt is in the melter turned on.
A few key factors that go into throw are the type of wax used, and the fragrance load. For waxes there are many, with paraffin having some of the best throw. Combined with lower cost, its a reason why it can be found in many candles.
However, as paraffin is a petroleum based product it has been found to contain known carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) such as benzene. As this goes against "Horde Standards", we only use a high quality all natural soy wax. Beneficial for both allergy sufferers, and those with a more sensitive system.
Our all natural soy wax has a lower melting point than paraffin. Which means it will begin "hot" throwing scent at a much cooler temp. Coupled with the fact that since we only produce melts, there's no burning wick putting soot into the air. Environmentally friendly, our wax melts have less waste, long burn time, stronger fragrance, and no open flame, compared to candles.
Ever have a scented candle/melt and been left disappointed in its lack of smell? You're not alone. We've talked about Fragrance Throw. Now let's go into Fragrance Load. The percentage of fragrance oil/essential oils within a finished product.
Most commercial candles run a fragrance load of 8-10%. With many wax melts in the 10-12% range. Why the difference? Well the main factor is the wax being used. Waxes have a limit to the percentage of fragrance they can hold before issues arise (seperation, oily/wet surface, etc). With many types and blends on the market. The all natural Luxury Soy Wax used in our melts is capable of handling up to an 18% Fragrance Load. With majority of our melts running 14-15% . We've found this to be a nice range for fragrance strength and longevity of use. Without being so strong as to overpower the senses.
Another requirement we insisted on was a proper release from mold. Many melts stick in the melter, even when cooled. Requiring you to either scrape it out or heat it up to pour out. Which then means you need to wash the darn thing. We don't have time for scraping old wax from a melter. So we tested until we found a wax with the right amount of firmness and slight shrinkage when cooled. Allowing you to easily pop an existing melt puck from your melter. So that you may choose a different scent the following day. After all, many of us do not want to just smell the same thing day after day. Not when there's so many great scents to try.
We suggest starting with three cubes in a standard sized melter. This will not increase the strength of scent as we've already gone over scent is created by the wax pool. All we are trying to do by using three is creating a decent sized puck, once the wax melter is off and cooled.
We normally run our home's melter for 8-10 hrs a day. There are many types of melters on the market from ones that use light bulbs inside to create the source of heat. To those with internal electric warmers. We use a combination within our home.
Once you turn your melter off, allow it to fully cool overnight.
Simply remove the cooled puck from the warmer bowl by hitting the top of bowl against your open palm, "popping" the puck free to fall into your palm.
You can save the used puck for future use. We've found the majority of our scents have 20-30 hrs plus of use time before losing scent.
For ease of storage, simply place the puck along with remaining melts of same scent into quart sized ziplock to save for future use. Allowing you to easily see what scent is in any given bag.
Just simply repeat process.... three cubes in to begin again.
If you're curious as to how and why our name came to be. As the owner of three loving, remarkable Chocolate Labs I wanted to make sure anything created was the best quality I could offer. With their ability to smell so much greater than humans it was extremely important to do as much research as possible. Using only scents that were "clean scent technology". Eliminating harmful and hazardous ingredients. Some users have even remarked on how our melts don't give them the headaches they would normally get with "store bought" melts. With at least one member of the Chocolate Horde hanging out in the shop with me each day, they provide input to any scent combinations not to their liking. Making all combinations "Horde Approved". And if they have the final say, might as well make them the brand name.
Brooke, the eldest and Aunt of the siblings. Jayne (the brother) and River (the sister). A wonderful trio of Chocolate, and members of "The Chocolate Horde".